Views and opinions expressed in this blog page are solely the personal expression of the writer and is never intended to disgrace any individual, religions, culture, organization and so on.Any unintentional defamation caused would be highly regretted. And since English is not his mother tongue, he is bound to make grammatical and structural mistakes. Hence errors as such are regretted and comments and suggestions are duly welcomed for further improvement as the author strongly believes that there is no end to learning in life.

Thursday 1 December 2011

Secrecy Hurts more in Life

Lhun-grub is the second of the three sons born to his parents and hails from a humble yet happy family in one of the villages in the east which remained cut off from modern amenities until recently. Being the only son enrolled in school amongst the children after his younger brother dropped school to become lay-monk, he worked hard and made his parents and brothers proud of him by excelling in studies. He got employed in autonomous agencies before prior to his attainment of silver jubilee. Yet, even after employment he wasn’t prepared to lead a family life unlike most of his countrymen which made his dad, with whom he spends his time like close friends to start asking him about his future. He kept on responding his curious dad’s query that day will come but it’s too early to lead a family of his own.

Having served his agency for a year and half he availed scholarship to upgrade his qualification and left home for studies in foreign soil.  Away from home in the midst of crowded street, burning urban heat island  and against all odds he put his best to keep up the expectations. The initial days in foreign land wasn't easy as he expected. Though, there were other Bhutanese friends,   Lhun-grub started missing everything back in Bhutan. He kept in touch through phone calls with his parents and brothers to save himself from homesickness. 

His parents and brothers too kept in touch with him though expensive to make ISD calls. He hardly completed his first semester course when one fine day he got call from his mom. Unlike the prior calls she made, this call was a unique, a unique one because   Lhun-grub couldn't believe his ears when his mom told that he should be marrying a lady of her choice. He reasoned  that it was too early for him to marry as he is yet to complete his course which has indeed just begun. On the other hand, his mom was adamant with her choice. 

Soon   Lhun-grub  was back home for short winter break. He was in cloud nine to be with parents and relatives having missed them so much. The same time Wangmo, the choice of his parents along with her parents also arrived.  This was indeed the very first time they met in person despite the fact that they had conversation through phone calls. The parents of both of them had discussion well in advance and they had a plan to get   Lhun-grub  and Wangmo engaged. They were relatives too and were of the opinion that blood is thicker than the water. Wangmo was however younger to him by almost a decade and obviously junior in terms of educational qualification.

Lhun-grub and Wangmo tried their best to explain the differences they had to the parents but parents were never convinced. They were adamant with their decision. Since both of them couldn't hurt their parents they were finally engaged to each other before  Lhun-grub   left back to his University. 

The irony is Wangmo was already into relationship with a guy named Yoeser but she failed to confess the truth. May be she was scared that parents may get hurt if she told the truth.  She even didn't share with him. After few months she somehow jokingly told  to her to-be that she has boy friend  which he failed to understand. Surprisingly, Yoeser happened to be the mutual friend to both of them in the social network 'Facebook'. During one leisure time   Lhun-grub   and Yoeser happen to chat. Yoeser assumed  Lhun-grub  was her cousin brother instead and disclosed his love affair with Wangmo since months back. He requested him not to share with her parents and siblings of course as both of them love each other and are committed to lead their lives together. It appeared to   Lhun-grub   like a blow out of the blue. He could not believe at all yet he didn't tell the truth to Yoeser either. 

After the heart piercing news from Yoeser,   Lhun-grub   called Wangmo and inquired her if what he heard from Yoeser was true. Initially, she denied but she told him that they were into relations. She asked him his forgiveness as she couldn't muster the courage to speak the truth earlier as truths sometimes are bitter sweet. Lhun-grub  was hurt but he not only forgave her but he even asked her to go with Yoeser as she is head over heels in love with him. He reasoned that he cannot let her lead life with him if she is not happy. He would be rather glad to see her leading a happy life ahead with Yoeser.  On the other hand, she has not even shared the facts with Yoeser about her engagement with Lhun-grub 

She is also in dilemma whether to follow the decision made by parents which she accepted earlier or to go with her choice. She is glad that  Lhun-grub   at-least understands her but she is worried too that if Yoeser knew the fact he would be more hurt and it remains secret to him even today. She is also sure that both their parents would get hurt as well if she chooses her own choice. The only thing she can do now is simply regret that it would have been all the better had she confessed the truth prior to her engagement as so many getting hurt in the process would have been saved. 

(Note: The story is a fictional one. Resemblance to any one is regretted)

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