Views and opinions expressed in this blog page are solely the personal expression of the writer and is never intended to disgrace any individual, religions, culture, organization and so on.Any unintentional defamation caused would be highly regretted. And since English is not his mother tongue, he is bound to make grammatical and structural mistakes. Hence errors as such are regretted and comments and suggestions are duly welcomed for further improvement as the author strongly believes that there is no end to learning in life.

Thursday 8 December 2011

Birth Anniversary of my Niece

My younger brother's daughter turns six years old 

Dear Tashi Choden,

Six years down the memory your arrival into our family not only brought smiles and happiness to your loving parents but to all your grandparents, uncles and rest of the relatives. I remember you were just three days old when I visited your mom's place for your baby shower and welcomed you to our family. You were charming princess and still  your  legacy of being the one in the family continues.

I love watching you come off age and proving yourself as grown-up. I still remember you crying and wishing me via phone to have safest journey and successful study prior to my departure for studies in July 2010. This made me to wonder if I were really of age to even clean my nose let alone doing great things like you at a very tender age of barely four plus years. Its extraordinary. The other thing is you have the curiosity to learn and experiment the environment although you sometimes appear to be naughty too. You insisted on joining your schooling though you were not of age as per the government's enrollment policy and at six you are already done with pre-primary education.I see a bright future in you as you have the zeal and the enthusiasm to learn which is the essence of being successful. With this note,I wish you many many happy returns of the day. may you come of age be a successful lady and make all of us proud of your success. May you live many many more years. So sorry dear for I couldn't make up to your birthday. Kindly forgive me for my failure. 

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