In the olden days there was a boarding school, which took in the little boys and girls, whose families couldn't support them, and where there was much misery. Misery is in a manner of speaking...want, starvation or whatever name that can be given to hunger, but which can't muffle suffering or fill the stomach.
The meals, in the huge freezing dining hall, were a penance and a game of make believe. Only the head of the school- the Principal-at the head of the table, ate his fill.
He said that he did it because he was big, strong and serious that the little ones because they were little, didn't need to eat as much. Lies. Excuses.
Once, at lunch, they put on the boarders' plate a tiny little fish in the company of a single ladle of rice.
Instead of planting his hungry fork into the food, one of the orphans drew his mouth close to the plate and began a low conversation, as if he was praying. The other children found that odd and, from the head of the table, the principal wanted to know the reason for that extravagance.
"I'm talking to the fish, sir", explained the little boy. "As my father, who was fisherman, died at at sea, I am asking him if he ever met him."
"And what was his answer?" asked the Principal, amused, between two forkfuls. "He replied that he doesn't remember because he is very little, but may be the big fish, which is on the Principal's plate, can tell me something about him".
They say that, from that moment, on the children of the boarding school received better rations. Just see what a little fish can do.
A. Torrado
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